Monday, 26 April 2010

New Arrivals

Looking forward to building and painting these guys.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Arms on or Off

I usually put the arms on first and then paint however on these Victrix 54mm it's difficult to paint the jackets properly.

I'm going to try on the next batch leaving the arms off those that are affected and see how that works.

I'll post some pictures etc

Painting Guide: 54mm British Pt2

After undercoating Dark grey I decided to return them all to Black. I used Vallejo Black instead of Chaos Black (GW).

In painting order;

  • Jackets: Base coat Scab Red (GW), 1st highlight RED (V), 2nd highlight Bermellon Red (V), 3rd Highlight Blood Red (GW)

  • Cuffs: Base coat Deep yellow (V), 1st highlight Lemon Yellow (V)

  • Musket: Scorched Brown (GW), Strap White (V), Bayonet Bolt Gun Metal (GW) with Mithril Silver highlight (GW), end Wood Brown (R)

  • Lapels/Strapping: White

  • Trousers: Base Dark Grey (V), 1st highlight Med grey, wash with Badab Black, 3rd highlight Light Grey

  • Belts: Scorched Brown (GW) with Snakebite Leather (GW) highlight.

  • Gold: Shining Gold (GW), 1st highlight Gold (V)

  • Plume: Deep Green (V), highlight Leaf Green (R)

Rucksack: Base Scorched Brown (GW), Mat Shadow Grey (GW) with light grey highlight, straps white (V) and light Grey bag.